Don't forget when cops shoot the good guy with a gun!
Here are a few I could find quickly. There's at least one more that I just happen to recall that didn't come up because I can't seem to remember where it happened. I think it was more recent than any of these. And I'm quite sure there are many more than that, this was just the most time I was willing to spend googling at the moment.
It is, however, one of the outcomes, and is not represented. I'm not demanding it should be added, but I think it makes the "Good guy with a gun" argument even weaker.
No fucking way I'm pulling out my gun if I think there's a >0 possibility Police are on the scene. Now I have to not only worry about taking care of the bad guy, but also about being shot to death by police.
Well out of 12, there were 4 posted when the good guy with a gun dies. That isn't including any of the ones we don't know about, but that would be a 33% that you would die if you are a good guy with a gun and you "save the day."
I agree with others. The idea of "good guy with a gun will stop the bad guy with a gun" is pretty much wishful thinking if the police arrives on the scene and mistakes who. It does not matter whether there is gun control or not, the good guy could be mistaken in the midst of chaos.