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What are your favorite open-source games?


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  • Haven't played it much but for all fans of Thief games there's foss game called The Dark Mod. And I haven't seen it mentioned here, which is a shame.

    • That still requires you to own the original Thief Gold though, so I'm not sure it qualifies as truly open source.

      The mod is excellent though, played it earlier this year. Thief is still one of the best games out there.

      • requires you to own the original Thief Gold

        Happily, that's no longer the case these days. TDM was originally a mod, but despite keeping the name, it's now a standalone game using the open-sourced Doom 3 engine. The whole game is currently free without any purchases necessary!

        • Ohhhhh that's news indeed! I played the add-on, didn't know there's another one. Then I guess it's time to replay on the doom engine, thanks a lot!

          Edit: Wait, that happened in 2013. The mod I played was only finished in 2023.

          Edit 2: So I played "The Black Parade". Guess I must have confused "dark"and "black" somewhere...

      • I don't think you're right. I'm pretty sure it's stand alone and I think I played it without messing with Thief files...

        Edit: it is stand alone according to their site