I kind of expected them to announce another candidate, not just that their only candidate wouldn't be. Do they have to elect a candidate now? For how long will only one party have a candidate?
Edit: Just read that they'll choose the candidate in late August. So for a whole month there will be only Republican campaigning in the media, unless the Democrats can make their process interesting enough to catch the media's attention.
Another edit: Seems they're moving much quicker than that after all.
Biden has already endorsed Harris, at least on Twitter. I think that part is over. They already have to nominate someone early due to some deadlines, so the actual nomination will happen in the next week or two. It's Harris. We should all accept it.
Goddamn this timeline sucks hairy balls (not to be confused with me cuz ain't nobody sucking me). I didn't like her as a VP pick and I don't like the idea of her as President but she's still 1000 times better than Cheetodick.
I'd love to see them nominate Bernie or AOC for VP. That's how they'll get the 18-24 year olds to come out to vote.
Why not? As an elder millennial/xennial I'd be totally happy with Zs coming up to me saying we saved your ass for the rest of my life if they show up to vote.