The next installments of the Avengers franchise continue to remain in flux as Marvel Studios’ Avengers 5 has once again lost a writer. As we have learned from our sources, Michael Waldron has departed from the project, leaving it without a director, writer, and official title now.Since the film’s an...
I think Majors needing to be ditched alongside the reception for most of the multiversal slate is pushing a change of course. Really hope they can right the ship and recapture the lightening
All the most interesting marvel storylines involve the mutants anyway. I know they killed off their evil Wanda, but House of M would make an amazing crossover series. I guess they're already working on secret invasion and dark reign would theoretically follow that. Which gives them both a new skrull bad guy and possibly kingpin.
All of that would be fantastic, just can't believe how bad they seem to have been screwed by this Jonathan Majors thing!