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Daily Discussion Thread: πŸ’ΏπŸ’ΏπŸ’Ώ Friday, July 12, 2024


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  • My tax return processed this morning. Right on time, wasn't expecting that.

    Finally going to upgrade the GPU, but I'm a bit concerned about the ram clearance, so I want to properly measure it out first.

    I also bought a security camera today and some door alarms. I'm not sure if that was a wise use of money though, because I mean he's moved out now, and my doors and windows are all locked. If he was to come back and try to break in again (which seems less likely with each day that passes), he's probably going to get in by smashing a window. In which case an alarm probably won't do much. But I guess it'll make me feel safer, so it won't be entirely useless I suppose

    Edit: I also followed up with the crime investigation unit handling my report, but they didn't really give me any new info. I gave them the serial number for my MacBook though, hopefully that helps

    • My tax return processed today as well, 5 business days from when it was lodged - very happy with that turnaround and the return!

      Can you reuse the security camera and alarms? Never know when they'll come in handy...

      • I lodged mine 10 (normal) days ago. Completely forgot about it until 2 days ago when I was like "hey, I lodged my tax return a little bit ago, I should go see what stage it's up to" and it was on settling accounts or reviewing accounts or something like that. Then the next day it was pending.

        Yeah, I can reuse it all. I got door sensors and alarms, so I can use the sensors to automate things too (they think the primary use is turning on lights). If the camera is good quality (it was only 50 bucks), it could be good to reuse once I move out, although I might go for something hard wired and with a roof mount instead

        • I noticed mine came in today because I was checking to see that my pay came in, saw my bank balance and thought I'd been overpaid, only to see it's my tax return. Yum.

          If you can reuse it all then it's not a waste of money. You never know when it might come in use again esp as you're handy with this stuff. Good investment πŸ‘

          • I'd bought a couple of games on steam just before the "summer" sale ended at around 12:30am. I limited myself since I didn't want to waste the last of my money so I just got a couple. If I'd known my tax return would come literally 10 minutes later (12:42), I would've waited and gotten a few more. My bank didn't notify me when it came in either like they normally do which was odd. I just went to make sure I had enough in my main account to buy a coffee this morning and had a nice surprise