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Daily Discussion Thread: 🐢🐢🐢 Tuesday, July 09, 2024


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  • The countown is on for my de-toothing. About an hour to go. Hopefully it will be fairly straightforward, but those back molars can be a bit stubborn - and last time I had a tooth in poor condition removed it splintered in to lots of pieces and was an absolute mess to get out.

    I have given myself permission to sook about it for at least tonight and tomorrow. I may also decide to aquire icecream, although with the current temperatures may just decide to increase my custard intake.

    • Good luck 🀞

      I'd be asking for pain relief and if they suggest panadol then sad face πŸ˜”

      • I like the idea of pain relief as a concept, but I have developed an intolerance to codeine. I'm not sure what other options might be available, but I'm honestly a bit nervous about trying anything new in case of side effects - I took panadeine after my last tooth removal and ended up with agonising stomach pains. I think it gave me a bit of painkiller PTSD.