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Photo Picker albums view does not show all albums

As you can see in the screenshot, inside the Photo Picker in the Albums view only "Screenshots" is shown while in Photos view all the pictures are available in chronological order.

By looking it up, I found people complaining the same issue and one suggesting adding them with Google Photos (which I don't have and I don't want to install).

Just wanted to know if someone else here got the same issue or if there is a workaround/fix for this.
(I'm on GrapheneOS)



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  • Could it be that the system app for picking those images is missing the storage permission?

    • The point of this dialog is to choose which image to share with the app without giving full permissions. In fact the app itself does not ask for storage permissions at all.

      And I can see all the pictures in Photos view anyway, so I don't think it's a permission issue.

      In installed apps list there is "Media picker" which COULD be this. It does not ask for storage-related permissions.

      • It is a storage permission issue

        Go back into app info/permissions/Allows allow all

        • "This app can only access the photos you select [in this dialog]".

          This is a system dialog to let the user choose pictures to share with app. It's not an app dialog which can't see things without permissions.

          The same dialog is shown in multiple apps, here in the screenshot the app in question is DarkModeLiveWallpaper (f-droid) which do not have storage-related permissions at all. I can't give permissions it does not request. So it is not an app permission issue.

          Also, every app shows the same one folder in Albums view: screenshots.