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Sunday Chill Chat

How's it going everyone?

I'm on day two of a migraine, skipping my day festival in leui of painkillers and chill TV watching/game playing.

Who's having a roast today then?


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  • Last day of sitting on my arse, eating and drinking too much, before getting back into a healthy regimen.

    Want to try and finish Subnautica today. I had been avoiding it for ever but picked it up for 8 quid in the Steam sale and can’t stop playing it.

    • A phenomenal game in depth and scale - got the double cartridge on the switch. Couldn't finish the below zero game, navigation is hard towards the end. Incredible work from indie developers.

      • Made some more progress this afternoon and have started construction of the Neptune rocket.

        Been distracted by Laphroaig 10 now though.

      • How is it on Switch? I have it on PS5 and was thinking of getting it for my lite, playing on the go. I thought it might be a game that would suffer in the port. Saying that I still can't believe No Mans Sky got squeezed onto the Switch!

        • As usual it's absolutely dependent on WHO ports it (some things like Doom '16 or Wolfenstein New Colossus look great (barring a few little reductions in gloss), but other fairly simple games get butchered at the optimisation stage. Devolver Digital always do good ports to switch.

          I never played the pc version but Subnautica is easily one of the best looking games on switch, they did good work I think.