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Another 26,000 'will be unemployed' before peak reached Another 26,000 'will be unemployed' before peak reached

It's not just the public sector feeling the pain - and there is more to come across the country, economists say.

Another 26,000 'will be unemployed' before peak reached

Surely all these people losing decent paying jobs will have no impact on the economy right? Definitely not a recession right?


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  • March quarter data from Stats NZ showed an increase in the unemployment rate, from 4 percent in December to 4.3 percent. It said 134,000 people were now unemployed.

    If 134k is 4.3% then 4% is about 125k people. So 9k people lost their jobs since December and another 26k to go?

    Is this the difference in roles or the total redundancies (a certain percentage of people made redundant will go into a new role, some of which would not have had someone in it before)?

    Maybe they expect a peak of about 150k people unemployed?

    Sounds like they expect it to peak at about 4.8% if my maths is right? Historically, that's still pretty low.

    He said the number of people on the JobSeeker benefit had been trending higher since the start of 2023. In March there were 187,986 people receiving this benefit, up from 131,721 in March 2019 and 168,498 last year.

    I get lost with the new benefits. Are the 187k people on Jobseeker not all considered "unemployed"? Is this a case of some people with part time work (underemployed) being counted in one but not the other?