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  • Anyone running 5/3/1 variations?

    Just finished my first week of 1000% awesome after 12 weeks of GZCL Jacked and Tanned 2.0. Saw massive increases in deadlift and bench last cycle, squat still lagging and OHP stagnated a bit.

    Current RMs (kg)

    DL: 190x2

    Squat: 162.5x1

    OHP: 60x2

    Bench: 117.5x1

    Those that run a 5/3/1 (or any other program) how is it going?


  • Arnold Split for intermediates What Is The Arnold Split?

    Want to know how Arnold Schwarzenegger trained in his prime? This guide has everything you need to know about the Arnold split workout routine.

    What Is The Arnold Split?

    The Arnold Split is a workout split used by the Oak himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's a 6-day split with 2 rest days totaling 8 days and is perfect for someone who wants to do an asynchronous split rather than always doing chest on Monday.

    My personal favorite part is on arm day when you do Bicep and Tricep together you feel the pump on your whole arm and it's amazing.

    | Body Part| Movement| Sets| Reps| |--|--|--|--| |Day 1|||| | Chest - BB | | | | | Back - Lats | | | | |Abs ||| | | Movement | Sets | Reps | | Chest | Flat BB Wide Grip Bench Press | 3 | 15-20 | | Chest | Incline BB Wide Grip Bench Press | 3 | 15-20 | | Chest | DB Fly | 2 | 15-20 | | Chest | DB Pullover | 2 | 15-20 | | Chest | Decline BB Wide Grip Bench Press | 1 | F | | Back | L-Sit Pullups | 3 | 5 | | Back - Superset | Close Grip Seated Cable Row | 3 | 15-20 | | Back - Superset | T-Bar Row | 3 | 15-20 | | Back | Flexion Row | 1 | F | | Abs | Crossover Crunch | 1 | F | ||||| |Day 2|||| | Arms | | | | | Shoulders | | | | | Forearms |||| ||Movement|Sets|Reps | | Side Delts - Top Set | Arnold Press | 1 | 8-12 | | Side Delts - Superset | 45x45 lateral Raises | 3 | 15-20 | | Side Delts - Superset | Upright Rows | 3 | 10-15 | | Tricep | Close Grip Bench | 1 | 6-9 | | Tricep | Cable Sideways Ext (Katana Ext) | 3 | 10-15 | | Tricep | Decline Lying DB Extension | 3 | 8-12 | | Bicep | EZ Bar Curl | 1 | 8-12 | | Bicep | Strict Cable Curl | 4 | 10-15 | | Bicep - Superset | 1arm Preacher Curl | 3 | 8-12 | | Forearm | Wrist Curls | 1 | F | |||| |Day 3||| | Quads | | | | | Calf | | | | ||Movement|Sets|Reps | | Squat Strength | Heavy Walkout | 3 | 15s | | Quad (Top Set) | BB Back Squat | 3 | 8-12 | | Quad (Drop Sets) | Belt Squat | 3 | 10-15 | | Leg - Complete | DB BSS | 1 | F | | Calf | Standing Calf Raise | 1 | F | |||| |Day 4||| | Back - Upper | | | | | Chest - DB | | | | | Abs | | | | ||Movement|Sets|Reps | | Back | BB Row | 3 | 15-20 | | Back | 45 Incline Reverse Fly | 3 | 15-20 | | Back | Chest Supported Cable Row | 3 | 15-20 | | Back | BB Shrug | 1 | F | | Chest | Flat DB Bench Press | 3 | 15-20 | | Chest | Incline DB Bench Press | 3 | 15-20 | | Chest | DB Fly | 2 | 15-20 | | Chest | DB Pullover | 2 | 15-20 | | Chest | Decline DB Bench Press | 1 | F | | Abs | Crossover Crunch | 1 | F | |||| |Day 5||| | Arms | | | | | Shoulders | | | | | Forearms | | | | ||Movement|Sets|Reps | | Side Delts - Top Set | BB OH Press | 1 | 6-9 | | Side Delts - Superset | Full Frontal Raise | 3 | 10-15 | | Side Delts - Superset | Upright Rows | 3 | 8-12 | | Tricep - Top Set | Close Grip Bench Press | 1 | 6-9 | | Tricep - Superset | Decline Lying DB Extension | 3 | 8-12 | | Tricep - Superset | Reverse Grip Tricep Push Down | 3 | 8-12 | | Bicep - Top Set | EZ Bar Curl | 1 | 8-12 | | Bicep - Superset | No Money Curls | 3 | 8-12 | | Bicep - Superset | Reverse Cable Curls | 3 | 8-12 | | Forearm | Wrist Curls | 1 | F | |||| |Day 6||| | Glute & Hamstring | | 1| | | Calf | | | | ||Movement|Sets|Reps | | Glute Strength | Sumo Deadlift | 3 | 8-12 | | Ham | Lying Leg Curl | 3 | 10-15 | | Hinge | Hyper | 3 | F | | Glute Unilateral | Cable Kick Back | 1 | G 50 | | Calf | Sitting Calf Raise | 1 | F |

  • Favorite PR day music?

    I have my final test day before my meet coming up on Sunday and I'm looking for some really heavy/hard music to listen to during my attempts.

    What is your go to music for this?

    To start it off, here are three of my favorites:

  • Antropov suspended for doping Antropov suspended for doping at Asian Weightlifting Championships

    A weightlifter from Kazakhstan has been provisionally suspended after testing positive for a banned substance at the Asian Championships in Korea last...

    Antropov suspended for doping at Asian Weightlifting Championships

    One of my current favorite lifters.

    However I was excited to see what he could achieve in the following years.

    Nurgisa Adiletuly seems to be the other kazakhstan lifter that gave positive. He posted a compilation of his lifts on insta with the caption No more sport for me

  • Try the workout community

    it's a little more generic than this one if that's what you're into

  • my current routine - 4day (2x2) 2x2 routine [2306]

    Sheet1 Chest / Back,Movement,Sets,Set1 Rep Range Chest First Chest - BB (top set),Wide Grip Bench Press,1,6 Chest - BB (drop sets),Wide Grip Bench Press,3,6-9 Chest - DB,DB Incline Press,3,8-12 Chest - DB,DB Pause Press,1,F Back - Full,Cable Pull Down - 45,2,10-15 Back - Lats,Close Grip Seated C...

    2x2 routine [2306]

    it's a 4 day schedule with big emphasis on chest/back which is twice a week (1 day that's chest heavy and the other is back heavy)

    the remaining 2 days are arms and legs days with one day being squat/quad focused and the other being a deadlift/glute+ham focus.

    I have been doing asynchronous splits for a couple years now (that means I rotate through the days without paying attention to what day of the week it is) I won't necessarily do only 4 days a week and will workout anywhere from 4-6 days just cycling through the plan.

    I'll bump the weight on individual movements whenever I have pushed the previous weight through the rep ranges.

  • welcome

    like a lot of us, I'm new here. i will try to learn what options are available and fill this up with some basic info to get people started.

    for now, let's chat about routines, goals, exercise selection, etc

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