Season Final
I liked it a lot. The questions planted in Bernard head, that wool drop and walk off was such a chad move, so many silos.
The computers in SILO BITNACHT (@[email protected])Angehängt: 1 Bild Die Computer in #SILO sehen fast so aus, als wären es reale Geräte aus den 90ern. Wäre da nicht der quadratische Bildschirm. Den finde ich super. Warum gibt es heute keine quadratischen Bildschirme? Ich hätte gerne einen. #allInOne #SciFi #AppleTVPlus #retrobattlestations
I am quite fond of the look of the computers in SILO. They all look exactly the same. They are all-in-one designs and have ports like they were made in the 90s. Square, flat CRTs, the mouse is not ergonomic but looks very cool and the keyboard is certainly fun to type on.
Also from the look of the side they seem have big speakers and decent sound, but maybe the openings are just for ventilation.