SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) and related
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Thousands of acres of solar panels destroyed in Texas hail storm; 5 ways to protect panels in the future
- Miljoenen informatiestrijders actief voor het WEF
Klaus Schwab huurt miljoenen informatiestrijders in die actief desinformatie zoals gedefinieerd door het World Economic Forum bestrijden.
⚠ In Canada You Either Accept the Coming Digital ID .... Or Else In Canada You Either Accept the Coming Digital I.D.... Or Else
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"Immunisation will also play an important role in achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" 🤔 Weekoverzicht met Jeroen en Willem-Week 34In het weekoverzicht van week 34 komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod: Politiek, F16, belasting omhoog, Omtzigt doet mee met eigen partij.
> Brussels, 26.4.2018
Blijkt dat SDG's als sinds 2015 een ding is
> Immunisation will also play an important role in achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
ℹLaten we eerst uitzoeken waar de voortdurende oversterfte vandaan komt, voordat we overstappen naar mRNA techniek.
Video ingesprongen naar een stuk van VoorWaarheid, Weekoverzicht met Jeroen en Willem-Week 34
Lag Agenda 2030 al in 2018 aan de basis van de coronamaatregelen?
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Aug 24, 2023 #2018 #blckbxtoday #Agenda2030 De volledige uitzending van blckbx today #208 van woensdag 23 augustus 2023 is te bekijken via:
Nederland heeft zich expliciet toegewijd aan het dienen van Agenda2030. Uit WOB-onderzoek is gebleken dat de vaccinatiealliantie en de Denktank Desinformatie onderdeel zijn van een groter Europees Project om invulling te geven aan de ontwikkelingsdoelen van de Verenigde Naties.
You’ll Eat Crickets!🦗 #Bible #Prophecy #Jesus #Rapture #Portland #Seattle #Food #Salvation #God #ID
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Approval of fourth insect as a Novel Food - European Commission, Jan 2023 approval insect novel foodA selection of questions and answers compiled through the approval process.
Their outline :
- approval insect novel food (
referred to "publications" of their "studies"
Safety of frozen and freeze‐dried formulations of the lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus larva) as a Novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 - - 2022 - EFSA Journal - Wiley Online Library
Safety of partially defatted house cricket (Acheta domesticus) powder as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 - - 2022 - EFSA Journal - Wiley Online Library
The EU's new regulation
The EFSA didn't do any proper testing, and say.. we haven't found any previous data so it's probably safe .. Bunch of quacks if you ask me.
Sustainable Development Goals: Werelddoelen voor duurzame ontwikkeling 🔗 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's): 17 doelen voor een duurzamere wereldEen einde aan armoede, ongelijkheid, onrecht en klimaatverandering. Dat is de kern van de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDG’s) van de Verenigde Naties voor de periode 2015-2030. Nederland werkt in het binnenland en in het buitenland om de doelen te bereiken.
Dr. David Bell: The Real Meaning of Recent WHO Negotiations and the ‘One Health’ Ideology Dr. David Bell: The Real Meaning of Recent WHO Negotiations and the ‘One Health’ Ideology | ATL:NOWThe World Health Organization (WHO) just concluded a new round of negotiations around a new pandemic treaty and ...
> The World Health Organization (WHO) just concluded a new round of negotiations around a new pandemic treaty and amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations. > > What is the significance of these changes? To find out, I sit down with Dr. David Bell, a public health physician and biotech consultant in global health. He is a former medical officer and scientist at the WHO and a senior scholar at the Brownstone Institute. > ...
WERELDWIJDE ONTMASKERING VAN DE VERENIGDE NATIES De Verenigde Naties zijn een platform voor criminelen die werelddominantie nastrevenDe Verenigde Naties worden ontmaskerd als een gecompromitteerde organisatie, geleid door criminele oligarchen, die ze gebruiken om zichzelf te verrijken en de mensheid tot slaaf te maken.
De Verenigde Naties rollen momenteel Agenda 2030 uit, met de beruchte "duurzaamheidsdoelen". Dit wereldwijde project wil elk aspect van het menselijk bestaan volledig veranderen: voedsel, seksualiteit, familie, werk, financiën, gezondheid, onderwijs, alles! Dit zal zogenaamd een einde maken aan armoede, honger, ongelijkheid, ziekte en andere slechte dingen. Een voormalig uitvoerend directeur die twee decennia bij de VN werkte, vertelt een ander verhaal. Hij legt uit dat de VN wordt gecontroleerd door criminelen die de VN gebruiken om zichzelf te verrijken en de mensheid tot slaaf te maken.
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Kabinet weigert WEF “Digital Currency Governance Consortium” naar de Kamer te sturen
Pepijn van Houwelingen / @PvanHouwelingen [2:05 PM · May 8, 2023]
Niet te geloven na een half jaar (!) wachten (terwijl Kamervragen in UITERLIJK zes weken beantwoord moeten worden) WEIGERT het kabinet om ook maar EEN document over het WEF “Digital Currency Governance Consortium” naar de Kamer te sturen o.a. omdat de koningin erbij betrokken is.
China's all-seeing skynet now has more than 700 million CCTV cameras
China's all-seeing skynet now has more than 700 million CCTV cameras (half of the world total), and it's real-time spying on all of its 1.4 billion citizens to give them a personal social credit score, based on how they behave.
Social Credit System means Ultimate Control!!
A Chinese woman is smashing a robot in the hospital.
A Chinese woman is smashing a robot in the hospital. Because now in China's hospitals, make the doctor and all medical examination appointments are all done on the robots, very few nurses left to help the patients. Many find it a frustrating process.…
CBDC for newbies 💸💸💸 (Central Bank Digital Currency 'crypto') Anastaci91CBDC for newbies 💸💸💸 To say that this is a new digital currency is to say nothing. Yes, it's not new at all. And while the men of the two countries 🇺🇦🇷🇺continue to kill each other, the banks of these countries sign an agreement on a single currency. By the way, 83 countries have already s...
To say that this is a new digital currency is to say nothing. Yes, it's not new at all. And while the men of the two countries (Ukraine, Russia) continue to kill each other, the banks of these countries sign an agreement on a single currency.
By the way, 83 countries have already signed up to this. And although in each individual country it will still be called as before: dollar, ruble, euro or yuan, in fact, this is the first single world currency. But it's not money at all. The CBDC is not backed by anything, commodities, or gold. It is not and will not be in paper. These are your points, bonuses, which you (if you behave), can exchange for a product or service.
The digital “body” of this "currency" stores all information about all its owners and tracks their movements.
This currency cannot be accumulated, because it has an expiration date, having received it once, you must spend it before the specified period.
Moreover, the "Currency" has a designated purpose. If you were given 200 "cbcd bucks" for gas, then you will not be able to spend them. And that's not all. CDBC, is tied to a place, for example, you spend it freely in Madrid but in Barcelona you are completely broke. To put it simply, if earlier you could decide how and where to spend your money, now with the introduction of CBDC it will be decided instead of you, not even by the government and not by banks, but only by the World Central Bank.
If earlier there were fines, a loss of some amount of money, in the CBDC system a fine is primarily a restriction on rights. Well, if you completely misbehave - blocking the account. There is no one to complain to, because the AI (Artificial Intelligence) makes all decisions.
There are pros. Corruption will completely disappear. Stealing becomes pointless. Punishment is inevitable and immediate.
Instead of private property, just permission to live in this house and everyone (well, almost everyone) has a minimum basic income in the form of “points” for a social wallet.
These systems have already been tested in Nigeria, Singapore, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Australia and, of course, in China! And as we are distracted by the war, they are preparing a surprise for us as well. The system has been tested and is ready for implementation next spring-summer in all 83 countries, including Ukraine.
Soon we will all be offered to open a social wallet where the first CBDC will be transferred, and the rest of the money, especially paper money, will disappear due to hyperinflation and the complete collapse of the traditional banking system due to the energy crisis (blackout) and, possibly, eco-catastrophes. But if suddenly there is no Internet, how come we are all left without money!? Don't worry, everything is taken care of. Money is stored in a chip implanted in your finger, all transactions are recorded there, so when the Internet appears, they are synchronized with the bank. Well, if you don’t want to implant, don’t, wait for the Internet or go to the place where there is an internet.
Welcome to digital slavery! (April 28,2023 - Telegram Anastaci91)
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Solidair Oldenzaal - anti SDG
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