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K-12 Systems Administrators

  • Welcome to the !K12Sysadmin community!

  • Summer plans 2024

    May is coming up soon! How are your summer plans looking? Like a dumpster fire or a bonfire?

  • Whats on your summer project list?

    Title! This is a jam packed summer for us, and i'm wondering what the summer looks like for y'all

    Our plans include:

    • Replacing the phone system at every school in district
    • Upgrading the NVRs/cameras at every school in the district
    • Implementing a new Tech/HR/Facilities Help Desk system (IncidentIQ)
    • Implementing a new Onboarding/Offboarding procedure for accounts & devices (part of IIQ)
    • Implementing a NMS for our switches & APs (we have a temporary solution at the moment, but this is us finally rolling up our sleeves and getting something usable)
    • Potentially implementing 802.11x for our campus wireless network

    ...and then plenty more that isn't on this list :). All of this is exciting, but im most excited for the iiQ deployment.

1 Active user