Japanese Woodworking
You need " Ha-Ganna 葉鉋 " to do big scale " KUMIKO " projects.
www.bigsandwoodworking.com Ha-Ganna 葉鉋 : Making Dai - Big Sand WoodworkingSetting up Ha-ganna 葉鉋, the process for making and fitting dai for individual ha-ganna blades.
. If you would like to order these special planes used for making KUMIKO Boards, go to the link below and search for " 葉鉋 ".
. http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~ttoishi/sub55.html
, There are 4 different angels used to cut the pieces for KUMIKO, those are 22.5, 30, 45, and 60 Degrees. All these FOUR planes are available at above link. They will also sell, blades alone if you want. .
All-in-One Guide to Japanese Chisels
brianholcombewoodworker.com Guide to Japanese Chisels by Brian Holcombe WoodworkerUnderstand the basics of Japanese chisels and their uses. This guide details the styles and qualities of many Japanese chisel types and makes a recommendation to specific brands.
This is complete / detailed yet easy to understand guide for beginners who are contemplating to start with / get into Japanese Woodworking.
Atedai | Japanese Floor Workbench
This has 2 Parts, meaning total of 2 articles. Please find the links here. 👇