Fantasy Grounds Game Day - August 17th
The monthly Fantasy Grounds Game Day sign-ups are up on Warhorn.
SmiteWorks Hires DnD Beyond Founder
SmiteWorks has hired Adam Bradford, founder of DnDBeyond, as their Chief Development Officer.
- www.humblebundle.com Pathfinder's Finest: 2e Fantasy Grounds Experience
Bring your Pathfinder 2e campaign to the digital realm with the popular virtual tabletop Fantasy Grounds! Includes the latest version + a ton of Pathfinder books.
This is a crazy good deal, and according to people on their discord, you can transfer the standard license to someone if you already have a licensed copy. You will also get the pdf copies from Paizo on their website.
Fantasy Grounds Academy - Starfinder Intro Class
Fantasy Grounds Academy (not a part of SmiteWorks but just a bunch of folks that are really into Fantasy Grounds) is holding an 'Introduction to Starfinder in Fantasy Grounds' class on their Discord server this May 26th (a Sunday) at 1600 UTC.
Prices for Fantasy Grounds Unity Licenses Permanently Reduced
SmiteWorks has permanently reduced the cost for the Standard and Ultimate licenses to $20 and $50 respectively. Link to Announcement
Fantasy Grounds Game Day - May 18th, 2024
Smiteworks is holding their free monthly Game Day on May 18th. Players only need a free Demo account of Fantasy Grounds to participate. Sign-ups and schedule in the Warhorn site. Only a few seats still available.