Fake Album Covers
Mary Goodwill - Coal
I don't know much about this one, a pick-up at the local used CD shop. I thought it was a Christmas album but it turned out to be one of those 90s solo alterna-chicks like Liz Phair, PJ Harvey, or Chris Cornell.
The Lectroids - The Lectroids
Springing from the otherwise non-existent Australian prog rock scene, the Lectroids released their self-titled debut album in 1971. The band members went their separate ways after selling only one copy, to electric flute player Gavin Whetstone's mother. Whetstone later formed the seminal punk band The Wankers.
humiddragonslayer - PAY ME FUCK YOU
ALTDrawn in GIMP
I foresee a follow up album called PAY YOU FUCK ME
Check out the always fun [email protected]
Solid Star - So Far Away
An EDM band from the 1990s that released two albums. This is the second, shortly after which they lost two members to stampeding cows at an outdoor rave and then disbanded.
Elevator Maintenance Crew - Come On Bro, Don't Bogart The Funyuns
ALTImage sourced from here and edited in GIMP
Mince - Experience Tranquility
ALTImage sourced from here and edited in GIMP, inspired partly by the overwatch meme made from this image.
Apologies for the blurriness, but this was the highest res image I could find. If you find a better quality image, I'll remake it with that.
Switchboard - FAR OUT
ALTImage sourced from here and edited by me, using GIMP
Edit: I didn't like the first version, so this is a second draft.
Macrodata Refinement - stop to think whether we should
ALTImage sourced from here, edited by me
Font - TSTAR Mono Round W00 Regular by Mika Mischler
Artist Name - From the TV Show Severance
Album Name - Inspired by the Jurassic Park quote - "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."