Command Line
dink: Command line notifier in python. GitHub - Pranav435/dink: Command line notifier in python.Command line notifier in python. Contribute to Pranav435/dink development by creating an account on GitHub.
Dink is a simple command-line tool (Linux, Windows, Mac) that provides notifications when your commands finish executing. It can play a sound, show a toast notification, or, on Windows, flash the taskbar icon. It's perfect for long-running commands or background tasks, so you don't have to constantly monitor your terminal.
invidtui: A TUI based Invidious client GitHub - darkhz/invidtui: A TUI based Invidious clientA TUI based Invidious client. Contribute to darkhz/invidtui development by creating an account on GitHub.
Hello Lemmy,
InvidTUI is a cross-platform Invidious client, which can:
- Play/download audio and video
- Search and view videos, playlists and channels, with comments and history support
- Manage your track queue, and view track information with image
- Save queue into a playlist M3U8 file, or open/edit existing playlist files
- Authenticate with the selected instance, display user feeds, create/edit playlists and manage subscriptions.
To facilitate the user experience, it also has a menu bar, to display menu options and their keybindings.
Any feedback is appreciated.
A command line tool to create books with markdown Introduction - mdBook DocumentationCreate book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust
Bash notes Free Bash BookGetting started with Bash, Script shebang, Navigating directories, Listing Files, Using cat, Grep, Aliasing, Jobs and Processes, Redirection, Control Structures, true, false and : commands, Arrays, Associative arrays, Functions, Bash Parameter Expansion, Copying (cp), Find and Math
Thought you might appreciate this.
transg-tui is a useful TUI for interacting with transmission torrent client GitHub - PanAeon/transg-tui: Terminal UI for transmission torrent clientTerminal UI for transmission torrent client. Contribute to PanAeon/transg-tui development by creating an account on GitHub.
- Suffix aliases (-s) in Zsh
ZSH supports suffix aliases (-s) to "execute" files with a particular command
- Getting started with nmap
Disclaimer: Only scan networks you have permission for. Many VPS providers do not allow the scanning of other networks and can cause you trouble. Please be aware of it. Installation I won't cover the
- Getting started with tmux
Tmux is a terminal multiplexer. It allows you to work with multiple terminal sessions at once. Installation It is easy to install, and there are many guides already out there, so I won't cover it in
- Reload Bash configuration (.bashrc)
If you change the Bash configuration file (~/.bashrc), you must logout and login for the changes to take effect. You can also execute the command source ~/.bashrc or .
qrscan - Scan a QR code in the terminal using the system camera or a given image GitHub - sayanarijit/qrscan: Scan a QR code in the terminal using the system camera or a given imageScan a QR code in the terminal using the system camera or a given image - GitHub - sayanarijit/qrscan: Scan a QR code in the terminal using the system camera or a given image
I was looking for a way to scan a QR code on my mobile using my laptop, but couldn't find a perfect solution. So I ended up making this tool.
Language: Rust
Supported platforms: Currently tested on Linux, but should also run on Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows
I just published this, so expect a few bugs here and there. If found please report.
Easy CLI budget calculator
Tired of collecting bank account data in order to get a grip on your spending?
Get started easily with this simple daily budget calculator. Not a calculator for your next big expense. Only a straightforward answer to the question: How much can I spend today?
Feedback welcome.
Would be curious to know if anyone's had any experience using sixel. I've only seen a few framebuffer based Linux distributions. Wondering if sixel could be used in a similar way to avoid X Windows or Wayland. I saw a port of libsdl that outputs in sixel. Also started experimenting with mlterm which displays sixel. Would be curious to hear of others experiences working with sixel or other graphics formats that could potentially display well in console mode.
Thought I'd mention pdftxt. It translates pdf files to text using libmupdf. Haven't found anything more lightweight to do the same job. Would be curious if others have. There are some other interesting framebuffer and command line programs at the same site too.
himalaya: Command-line interface for email management GitHub - soywod/himalaya: CLI to manage your emails.CLI to manage your emails. Contribute to soywod/himalaya development by creating an account on GitHub.
Termux Expert Launcher
I know there are some CLI junkies using Termux on their Android phones but the terminal has always been a separate app. Termux Expert Launcher changes that. Always at-the-ready terminal while being able to quickly launch Android apps when needed. Type a few letters and matching apps show up below. The command
by itself will present a scrollable list of installed apps. Been sticking with this for awhile now and liking it quite a bit. Best on larger devices.#termux
lesspipe: cat filetypes GitHub - wofr06/lesspipe: lesspipe - display more with lesslesspipe - display more with less. Contribute to wofr06/lesspipe development by creating an account on GitHub.
pipe docs like pdf, archives, audio, and images in the terminal.
tmux terminal copy paste
use with lynx by pressing 'p' to print and output it to the screen/scrollback. then you can press '!' to drop to the terminal from lynx. ('exit' to go back to lynx). in the terminal you can copy anything you need from the scrollback page and paste it in a tmux space such as a different pane or window.
Are there any commadn line clients for lemmy?
I ready my feeds, browse gemini, control music playback and get on the fediverse in the terminal. A lemmy client would be a nice addition.
xplr - A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer GitHub - sayanarijit/xplr: A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorerA hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer. Contribute to sayanarijit/xplr development by creating an account on GitHub.
Also check out the vim plugin
- How to install and use the Bitwarden command line password manager
Password managers are a necessity to remain secure — even if you're limited to the command line.
Tut - a Mastodon TUI GitHub - RasmusLindroth/tut: TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keysTUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys. Contribute to RasmusLindroth/tut development by creating an account on GitHub.
A very well done TUI for the fediverse.
Linux Command Library Basics | Cheat sheets | Linux Command LibraryHandy cheat sheets with linux tips and terminal basics about System control, Users, Files, Package managers, Video and Audio, Hacking tools, Terminal games and many more categories.
Impressive resource
Bash one-liner challenge
Solve exercises by writing Bash one-liners. The server actually runs your commands and checks whether the output is correct.
If you click on View Solutions, the correct commands other people entered are sorted by character count. So if you want, you can take the optional code golfing challenge.
I gained some knowledge from solving the challenges and looking at the solutions. Mostly you will use
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duf is like htop for disk usage GitHub - muesli/duf: Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternativeDisk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative - GitHub - muesli/duf: Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative
danburzo/percollate: cli to generate beautifully formatted PDF, EPUB, or HTML files from web pages GitHub - danburzo/percollate: A command-line tool to turn web pages into readable PDF, EPUB, HTML, or Markdown docs.A command-line tool to turn web pages into readable PDF, EPUB, HTML, or Markdown docs. - GitHub - danburzo/percollate: A command-line tool to turn web pages into readable PDF, EPUB, HTML, or Markdo...
chubin/ check the weather from your terminal! GitHub - chubin/ :partly_sunny: The right way to check the weather:partly_sunny: The right way to check the weather. Contribute to chubin/ development by creating an account on GitHub. is a console-oriented weather forecast service that supports various information representation methods like terminal-oriented ANSI-sequences for console HTTP clients (curl, httpie, or wget), HTML for web browsers, or PNG for graphical viewers.
Thanks to chubin for this.
rtv: Browse Reddit from your terminal GitHub - michael-lazar/rtv: Browse Reddit from your terminalBrowse Reddit from your terminal. Contribute to michael-lazar/rtv development by creating an account on GitHub.
7 Awesome Rust-powered Command-line Utilities - Towards Data Science
- starship
- ripgrep
- bat
- tokei
- exa
- fd
- procs
Broot : A better way to navigate directories (cli) broot/ at master · Canop/brootA new way to see and navigate directory trees : - broot/ at master · Canop/broot
Find some month ago, Just try, it's very fast for search something
- Linux Man Pages -- Dash Dash
Dash Dash sets the linux documentation in a beautiful collection of typefaces to make the technical content more approachable.
Technical documentation often looks and feels intimdating. Dash Dash takes the Unix (Linux, BSD, macOS) open source manual pages and sets the content in a beautiful set of typefaces while adding just a bit of animation and design. We hope this resource helps designers and non-technical folks appreciate and love the command line like we do!
frece: Maintain a database sorted by frecency (frequency recency) GitHub - YodaEmbedding/frece: Maintain a database sorted by frecency (frequency + recency)Maintain a database sorted by frecency (frequency + recency) - GitHub - YodaEmbedding/frece: Maintain a database sorted by frecency (frequency + recency)
If you are currently using z, autojump, fasd or similar, take a look at it. frece is the kind of tool that does one thing well and can be used in ways the authors didn’t think of.
In my case it replaced mlocate. See open-files-frece and frece-updatedb.
It is written in Rust and available in the AUR.
- How to Parse JSON Files on the Linux Command Line with jq
JSON is one of the most popular formats for transferring text-based data around the web. It’s everywhere, and you’re bound to come across it. We’ll show you how to handle it from the Linux command line using the jq command.
glow - a stylish markdown viewer for the CLI GitHub - charmbracelet/glow: Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻. Contribute to charmbracelet/glow development by creating an account on GitHub.